The funders listed below are key contributors in Partners’ work of aligning social care and healthcare.Without their generosity, belief in our abilities, and investment in a shared vision, neither Partners’ success nor its innovative care coordination models would be possible.
Together we have made a difference in the way healthcare and social care interact for the benefit of people – especially the vulnerable, the poor, the elderly, and the disabled.
On behalf of those in our care, and the staff providing that care, we say “thank you.”

Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles (The Foundation)
Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)
July 2022 – July 2025
Partners in Care Foundation (Partners) is the proud recipient of a three-year, $200,000 grant
from the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles (The Foundation). This funding is part of
The Foundation’s General Community Grants initiative, designed to address older adult poverty
by assisting low-income older adults through access to food, healthcare, housing, and
supportive care to live independently and age with dignity. Partners will use this funding to
enroll low-income adults, age 65+, in our Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) in
South Los Angeles. MSSP is specifically geared to helping frail, low-income older adults to help
them age in place and delay or avoid entirely inappropriate nursing home placement by
providing long-term services and supports essential for independent living. With The
Foundation funding, Partners will provide outreach, engagement and enrollment services with
a goal of filling all available MSSP South openings. We will also arrange meetings with
organizations that are potential referral sources for MSSP, including hospital staff, medical
practices, faith communities, and other community groups that serve the target population.
The goal of these meetings is to educate about the benefits of MSSP and ultimately create a
pipeline of referrals to fill openings in MSSP as they become available.
Administration on Community Living (ACL)
No Wrong Door / Network Lead Entity
Partners received this highly competitive two-year award to develop, test, and implement a software solution to strengthen the impact of our work as a network lead entity (NLE), The NLE provides administrative, contracting, training, and quality assurance for partner community-based organizations (CBO) delivering direct services. Partners pioneered the first statewide home and community-based services network of community-based organizations. Through our network leadership, we partner with hospitals, physicians, health plans, and large public systems that contract with us for their members, hospitals, or patients. These contracts support Partners and our CBO network to address the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) leading to patient readmission reduction, health self-management, fall reduction, care transitions, or caregiver support. This ACL grant will fund our development of an integrated information technology system to continue and strengthen our care management and ensure delivery of the highest quality evidence based SDOH services for California adults.
Ann Peppers Foundation
Health Management Workshops in Pasadena
One-third of Pasadena’s population is 50 years of age or older. The Greater Pasadena area has a high rate of death due to diabetes and an age-adjusted hospitalization rate due to uncontrolled diabetes that is higher than that of LA County. The area also has a high age-adjusted hospitalization rate due to hypertension. This gift made workshops available to improve the health, function, and quality of life of older adults, as well as enhance the building of community, and thus reduce social isolation for participants.

CommonSpirit Health
Partnership to Align Social Care
Partners in Care Foundation has received this generous award on behalf of the Partnership to Align Health Care – A National Learning & Action Network (Partnership). CommonSpirit Health has designated this funding for the purpose of supporting the Partnership, particularly to cover unmet core expenses, staffing, and initiating the initiative’s project communication plan.
Confidence Foundation
Support of Multipurpose Senior Services Program
The Confidence Foundationsupported our Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) by establishing a fund to provide services to those on the waiting list before full enrollment is completed. This generous gift also allowed us to fund a new, vital, and important Special Needs Fund to provide crucial services and resources during this waitlist period
Kaiser Baldwin Park
Enroll residents of San Gabriel Valley in ECM
This award supports Partners’ commitment to improving health outcomes in the San Gabriel Valley by enrolling eligible individuals in the Enhanced Care Management (ECM) Program, which builds upon and will replace our Health Homes Program (HHP) in January 2022. The target population is low-income adults that tend to be frequent emergency room users with chronic medical conditions and who are enrolled in a Medi-Cal managed care health plan in Baldwin Park and El Monte. Our experienced Engagement Center staff will contact up to 500 individuals in the target geographic areas on the ECM referral list, with highest security first, to remind them of the program, assess their eligibility, and obtain their consent for enrollment. Partners’ Care Coordinator will work with interested and eligible individuals to enroll at least 50 in the ECM program, conduct the assessment of their individual needs, develop an individualized care plan, and begin making referrals for services. Our ongoing care management services are designed to improve their ability to self-manage their health, minimize emergency room and hospital use, avert homelessness, and improve their overall well-being.

Archstone Foundation
Innovative Workforce Development Initiatives
The Archstone Foundation is supporting our innovative workforce development initiative aimed at providing an excellent and accessible training program for individuals interested in becoming a geriatric Community Health Worker (CHW). In partnership with Los Angeles Valley College, Rush University Medical Center, and the City of Los Angeles Area Agency on Aging, we will develop a training curriculum focused on preparing CHW’s to bridge social care and health care for low-income older adults in Greater Los Angeles. The program, offered through our outstanding community college system, will be available at no cost to the student and meets a growing demand for skilled health workers to support California’s growing aging population.
CA Wellness Foundation
Health Homes Program Support
The California Wellness Foundationprovided project support for the Health Homes Program (HHP) to rapidly enroll another 400 eligible diverse low-income and medically fragile participants in Los Angeles County and connect them to social and health care services.
Mericos Foundation
Support of Multipurpose Senior Services Program
The Mericos Foundationhelped us support aging, frail, isolated and vulnerable people in the Santa Barbara region through our Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP). Their generous gift enabled us to provide services designed to keep these individuals safe, healthy, and independent in their own homes.
Benefits Enrollment Center
The National Council on Aging has awarded Partners a two-year grant to continue our operation of our Benefits Enrollment Center. We will serve approximately 1,400 Medicare/Medi-Cal dually eligible beneficiaries in Los Angeles, Kern, and Santa Barbara counties. Many program beneficiaries are individuals who are already enrolled in, or on the wait list for, one of Partners’ long-term services and supports programs. Our staff, representing the cultural and linguistic profiles of those we serve, screen for eligibility for five core government-funded benefits, including LIHEAP and SNAP. If eligible, Partners staff will assist these clients with their applications and overcome any barriers to their receipt of these benefits. As operators of this Benefits Enrollment Center since 2017, we can attest to the importance of this screening and application assistance service to ensure that our clients can maximize the benefits of government services for which they are eligible.
Support of Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC)
The UniHealth Foundation’s recent award has provided a substantial boost to one of Partners’ signature innovations, the Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC). Partners is the founder and convener of GSWEC, a collaborative of eight Southern California Schools of Social Work and twelve Centers of Excellence. The Centers of Excellence are top community organizations, including Partners, where field placements occur. This workforce development initiative combines instruction and practice interventions to prepare master’s degree level social work students in the Southern California area for careers serving diverse, socially complex populations of older adults and their families. UniHealth Foundation funding will support outreach and create additional field placement opportunities, a new website, and fortify the alumni network, all with a goal of attracting more students of social work to become leaders in the field of aging.
Edward A. and Al O. Shay Family Foundation
Home and Community Based Waiver Programs
This was a three-year grant supporting Partners’ HCBA Waiver Program and our emergency safety net fund relief allowing for a rapid response during the Covid-19 crisis.
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Highest Rating for Nonprofits