World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – June 15

Last Updated June 16, 2022

We all deserve to lead safe  and healthy lives free from abuse at any age, yet older people are mistreated more often than we think. Did you know that 1 in 10 Americans age 60+ have experienced Elder Abuse? World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is an annual initiative recognized each year on June 15 to promote a better understanding of the abuse and neglect of the older population.

On June 15, 2006, the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations (UN) launched the first World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). WEAAD aims to provide an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding of the abuse older people suffer by raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic, and demographic processes affecting them. Elder abuse is one of the least investigated types of violence and does not get addressed in national action plans as frequently as other key social issues.  Ageism, negative stereotypes based on prejudices about age can further drive discrimination and the denial of our human rights as people age.

Here are some useful resources to learn more so we can identify and help ameliorate elder abuse:

Things Everyone can Do to Prevent Elder Abuse

Signs of Elder Abuse that Everyone Should Know

Visit the National Center on Elder Abuse for more Info

LA County is committed to creating a vibrant and age friendly community, where older adults can thrive and live free from abuse. If you’re concerned that someone you care about may be the victim of abuse, don’t be silent. Call the Elder Abuse Hotline at 1-877-477-3646 to report abuse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Let’s end ageism and work together to protect elderly citizens and ensure a safe living environment for them all,

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