Contract with Partners for CBAS Eligibility Evaluations
Community-based adult services (CBAS) empower older adults, and adults with disabilities, to live on their own terms. Through assisting participants with self-care skills and providing light health care and social services, CBAS can help participants maintain personal independence, and prevent unnecessary hospitalization or nursing home placement.
Who is Eligible for CBAS?
CBAS is a Medi-Cal Managed Care benefit available to eligible Medi-Cal beneficiaries enrolled in Medi-Cal Managed Care. Eligibility to participate in CBAS is determined by the beneficiary’s Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan. Other Medi-Cal beneficiaries ineligible to enroll in Medi-Cal Managed Care may receive CBAS, if found eligible through the Los Angeles Medi-Cal Field Office, or its designee.
Why Contract with Partners in Care for CBAS Evaluations?
Partners is the largest provider of CBAS eligibility evaluations in California, serving four major managed care plans and more than 200 CBAS centers throughout the state.
Our team of multi-lingual and culturally competent registered nurses is highly-experienced in conducting “face-to-face” screening evaluations utilizing the CBAS Eligibility Determination Tool (CEDT), either at a CBAS center, at the member’s home, or while the member is admitted to a hospital or a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) for rehabilitation.
Partners prides itself on its reputation for high-quality service provision and culture of accountability, evident in the achievement of 100% compliance in state managed care plan audits since July 2013.
To further improve the processing and reporting of evaluations, Partners developed proprietary software that tracks every contact point from referral to eligibility determination. This streamlined process has enabled more efficient communication between Partners’ supervisors and their teams of registered nurses, and ensures that monitoring and quality evaluations are compliant with state and contract timelines.
In summary:
- Largest provider of eligibility evaluations in California, with relationships with more than 200 CBAS centers across the State
- Proprietary data tracking system that delivers efficiency and accountability throughout the evaluation process
- 100% of the State evaluation regulations have been met in every managed care plan audit since July 2013
- Customizable contracts – we can do as much or as little of the evaluation process as needed
- Customizable reporting, including all required state reporting, can be conducted weekly, monthly and quarterly depending on need
- Intensive and ongoing training for all Face to Face staff
- Multi-lingual, culturally competent Registered Nurses conduct evaluations
- Assessments conducted “face-to-face” either at a CBAS center, member’s home, or at the hospital/SNF
- Quality Assurance review of every CEDT is conducted by trained social workers
How Can We Help You?
If contracting with Partners for CBAS Evaluations is the solution your organization needs, please contact: Rebecca Holik, Senior Director of Short Term Services by emailing RHolik@picf.org.