Our Fall Preventions team is all about improving health, promoting wellness, and transforming lives for older adults. We offer evidence based programs that can help prevent falls and reduce the fear of falling – all while having fun! Most are available online or in-person. In English or Spanish.
Find a WorkshopRegister for online and in-person workshops near you by emailing ebregistrations@picf.org
Our Programs
A Matter of Balance
This program is for people who have fallen in the past, have a risk of falling or who may be reducing their activities due to a fear of falling. Participants learn to change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, to view falls and the fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals to increase activity and exercise to increase strength and balance. Sessions are 2 hours, once per week for 8 weeks or twice per week for 4 weeks.
Try Bingocize at home to exercise and connect with others, all while improving your balance and coordination! This program is a 10-week program combining Bingo with fall prevention exercises and health education. Bingo games are twice per week for 1 hour.
Tai Chi for Arthritis
Just because you have arthritis doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the many benefits of gentle Tai Chi exercise. Join this workshop that meets for 10 weeks, twice per week for 1 hour and you’ll learn core movements in the Tai Chi Sun Style and the Tai Chi principles that build balance of mind and body.
Healthy Moves for Aging Well ℠
A one-on-one proven intervention delivered in the home by a trained Healthy Moves coach who conducts an initial fitness test, falls assessment and exercise training session. Follow-up motivational phone interviews encourage ongoing commitment to the new exercise regimen over a three-month period. Builds strength, increases flexibility, and reduces the risk of falls. Simple exercises such as arm curls, stepping-in-place, or pointing and flexing the ankle can have surprisingly impressive results in improving a frail senior’s range of motion, basic stamina, and movement stability. That in turn empowers them to comfortably succeed in daily activities.
Enhance Fitness
This exercise program helps participants at all levels of fitness become more active, energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives. The workshop focuses on stretching, flexibility, balance, low-impact aerobics, and strength-training exercises. Sessions take place 3 times per week for 8 weeks.

Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program
If your arthritis or other joint condition makes it difficult to participate in traditional exercise, this program is for you! Participate in low-impact exercises and gentle activities to help increase joint flexibility and range of motion, and to help maintain muscle strength. Sessions take place for 1 hour twice per week for 6 weeks.
Become a Volunteer
As a Community Wellness Services volunteer you will have the opportunity to give back to your community and change lives through leadership and workshop facilitation. Visit the Volunteer Page for more information and how to sign up.
To learn more or to register for one of these classes Call Partners’ Community Wellness at: 818-403-5452 Email us at: ebregistrations@picf.org