Contact Us
Hub services enhance return of investments and reduces cost
Engage valuable social patient-care services with a demonstrated cost benefit that saves more than their cost. Contact us to learn more on how the Partners Community Care Hub can support the health-related social needs of your members/patients.
- It covers the geography you need – local, regional or statewide
- It supports best practice recommendations for chronic disease management
- It supports your patient population beyond the clinic to the community, advancing population health management
goals and whole person care objectives - It accesses for additional social care management resources
- It extends disease self-management and lifestyle change opportunities
- It targets and improves MACRA and other quality measures affecting reimbursement (star ratings, HEDIS)
One Call Does it All
- Patient Engagement and Education
- Service Coordination
- HomeMeds/Med Reconciliation
- Evidence Based Self-Management Workshops
- Private Duty
- Eligibility Screening
- Care Transition
Contact Us
If you have any questions or interested in learning more about the Community Care Hub, please email us at